ITS SO DIFFICULT FOR ME! Here i am doing a fashion degree but i just cannot help myself and love fine art, especially painting. In fact i spend more time looking at these than i do researching designers for fashion lol. Lee Price, someone who i managed to stumble across when doing my research for archive project. If you really like her go and check out her website because none of these images do the paintings justice- when they are enlarged they are absolutely amazing, so realistic. For someone who has a difficult relationship with food and exploring binge eating in her work, her portrayal of women is so fascinating.
They give us an insight into a completely secret world women live in, ( something us girls can really relate to) and I love it because it reminds me everyday coming home and raging my fridge and cupboards and eating because i felt i needed the taste of everything in my stomach.If you like her bathroom paintings, Alyssa Monks is another artist who does amazing oil paitings of people behind glass and in water. And although the subject matter is disturbing, the paintings are beautiful ,especially the fact that they are birds eye view- it's an insight into her personal space, when she is at her inner peace.
Alice Neel is also really exciting, she's very well known for being one of the greatest american painters of the 20th century. If you really like Lucien Freud she's definitely up there with paintings that are surreal and interesting, and have an impressionistic element to them. I like painters like that because it makes me question their method and the choice of subjects. The girl just looks so pissed in this last one and the top one to me is more friendly but i don't know, i just like her style, it leaves me engaged even when i'm not looking.
To be honest I lied a bit lol, well Rosanna Jones which i think i'm a little bit obsessed with is actually a fashion photographer who's 20 and studies at Falmouth university and just in her second year now. I'm sure if you're on tumblr, you've at least seen some of her work- but i just can't get enough of it, and i'm using her for my photography and styling project. She was quite clever by sticking to her roots in photography but adding the medium of paint to her photographs (her fashion photographs are also amazing ) the skin based tones are very Jenny Saville, and even these quick, get it out of the way brush strokes are so effin beaut it makes my eyes burn. (if you're really interested in painters like these i have a lot more on my pinterest, just click on the little 'p' under my picture and it will take you to my collection of images).
One of my last artists which i also really like is Cristina Troufa- as you can probably tell by now i really love figurative or portraiture painting. I don't know why i am so ordinary like that i don't know why i am always drawn to the people when it comes to art i just don't think anything else like shapes and landscapes are as interesting. Not sure how anyone would find a square fascinating- it doesn't have feelings and there is no movement. I knew this artist was Portuguese- i work with someone who's name is spelled without an 'h' in it.
I'm really drawn to the aspect that these paitings are unfinished, they really work, especially with the choice of paper she is using, its clever because she knows that especially with oil, the colours are much vibrant. You just constantly want to question these- what is going on - are these subjects in conflict with each other? or are they just doing their everyday activities? I prefer the singular paitings with just one subject- i think they're a lot more interesting. Cristina Troufa doesn't actually have her own website but she's on saatchi gallery online if you like her work, there is a lot more there to look at.
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